Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Ride safely- How the eyes control the brain on the road

Don’t try it at home..ahh.. on roads…

Discovery channel showed a series on human senses and brain- how eyes (one of the senses) control brain and vice versa. Neurologically, when a person repeats an action, his brain cells learn and percept that action, and after some time these actions are completely and automatically controlled and performed by other five senses. Unknowingly- yet knowingly, it is interestingly amazing.

One example- when I started riding my bike in Singapore, the control on the road was mostly by the brain. While eyes give directions and view of surroundings to brain, brain gives controlled feedback signals to hands, legs to control the clutch, throttle, gear and brakes. Eyes continuously look around, forward, side mirrors, back view mirrors, blind spots.

It is true that Speeding kills! However, riding slow doesn’t mean you are riding safely. I daily ride my bike to and fro to my office which in total is about 55kms traveling on Singapore express highway (PIE), at an average speed of 80km/hr and so far maximum of 110 km/hr.

When your brain is busy in something else, it trusts on its learning and pass on the control to its most trusted sense- eyes.

Today my eyes took control of bike while I was riding back from office to home. It was drizzling all the way, and I was too busy in thinking about some issues and I never realized till I was 5 kms away from home that how and when I reached to that point.

It is highly risky and never recommended to be in such situations when someone is waiting for you at home and you are riding at 90-105km/hr without your brain in full control….

Ride safely...